Section D Evaluations
D-1 Evaluation Factors
The following factors will be used to evaluate RFP responses as described below. Specific evaluation criteria to evaluate the technical qualifications of each proposer and their degree of importance/relative weight are as follows:
- Mandatory Requirements (5 points)
- The audit firm is independent and licensed to practice in North Carolina.
- Staff has maintained CPE requirements.
- Firm is not currently being censored by REAC.
- The audit firm submits a copy of the most recent peer review and has a record of quality audit work.
- References from at least three (3) other current or recent PHA clients comparable in size to NBHA.
- Technical Capabilities (15 points)
- Staffing on key positions, method of assigning work, and procedures for maintaining level of service.
- Technical Approach (15 points)
- Labor categories, estimated hours and skill mix
- Demonstrated Experience (15 points)
- Past experience and performance with similar engagements and experience of site auditors conducting public housing audits as verified by reference checks and other reasons.
- Audit Approach (20 points)
- Work plan, time and staff onsite, electronic capabilities, responsiveness and availability.
- Fee for service (30 points)
The evaluation and selection of an audit firm will be based on the information submitted in the audit firm's proposal, references obtained, and any required on-site visits or oral presentations. Failure to respond to each of the requirements in the RFP may be the basis for rejecting a proposal.
D-2 Evaluation Method
Proposals submitted in response to this RFP will be evaluated by a review committee. The review committee shall evaluate the responsive proposals submitted and award points according to the Evaluation Factors.
After evaluation of proposals, the Executive Director shall make a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners will make the final selection of the firm to be awarded the contract. The contract shall be awarded to the responsible firm whose qualifications, price and other factors considered, are the most advantageous to NBHA.
If an award is completed, all proposes will receive a written Notice of Results of Evaluation. Such notice shall inform all proposers of:
- Which proposers received the award;
- Where each proposer placed in the process as a result of the evaluation of the proposals received;
- Each proposer's right to a debriefing and to protest.