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  1. Basic requirements: The Consultant shall meet the requirements of Exhibit C, HUD form #5369-C; and, if applicable, Section 3 businesses as outlined in Exhibit D.
  2. Addenda:  In the event, there are changes or clarifications to this CONSULTANT, NBHA shall issue an addendum.  Addenda will only be sent to those Consultants who have registered with NBHA as having received an official copy of the CONSULTANT from NBHA.  It is the responsibility of the respondent to check with NBHA before the submittal deadline to ensure that all addenda issued by NBHA have been received or to call the NBHA contact named in this RFQ.
  3. Rights reserved by NBHA:  NBHA also reserves the right to waive any irregularities or informalities in the RFQ and to reject any and/or all Statements of Qualification.  NBHA will generally not disclose the number of responses received, the names of the respondents, or the status of negotiations until the Executive Director (or assignee) has approved the award of the contract.
  4. Basic Eligibility:  The successful Consultant must be licensed to do business in the State of North Carolina and be properly authorized (if required by law) to perform the services proposed.  In addition, the successful respondent must not be debarred, suspended, or otherwise ineligible to contract with NBHA, and must not be included on the General Services Administration's (GSA) "List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-procurement Programs" or HUD's "Limited Denial of Participation" list.
  5. Payment Requirements:  Respondents should be aware that NBHA will only make payments on the contract issued under this RFQ after the work being billed has been completed, and will pay reimbursable expenses to the Consultant only upon receipt of an invoice for the reimbursable expenses.  No advance payments will be made to the awarded Consultant, who must have the capacity to meet all expenses in advance of payments by NBHA.1)    
  6. Records Made Public:  All documents submitted to NBHA will become public records, as per RCW 42.17.  If you are submitting information that you think is "confidential" or "proprietary" to your Consultant, NBHA recommends that you do not submit that information as part of this RFQ/RFP.  NBHA cannot guarantee that type of information will be withheld from a public disclosure request.
  7. Fair Housing:  In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 and the Fair Housing Act of 1988, the purpose of this Notice is to remind recipients of Federal funds (in this instance, the Public Housing Authority) of their obligation to comply with pertinent laws and implementing regulations which provide for non-discrimination and accessibility in Federally funded housing and non-housing programs for people with disabilities.
  8. Is your Company a women or minority-owned business?         Yes _____       No _____

This is for informational purposes only.