1.1 Introduction
New Bern Housing Authority (NBHA) plans to contract for Lawn Care Services for both Trent Court and New Bern Towers properties. The contract shall begin on May 1, 2022, to April 30, 2023. The contract may be extended twice in one-year increments, not to exceed April 30, 2025. We reserve the right to select one, two or three Contractor(s) for Lawn Care Services.
1.2 Method of Solicitation
NBHA is soliciting competitive proposals from qualified firms with a documented record of accomplishments of providing the required services, preferably for public housing authorities or other agencies through a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) process.
1.3 Obtain Copies of this Solicitation
Single copies of the RFP package may be obtained, at no cost by:
- 1. Visiting the NBHA 's website at
- 2. Requesting via email to email
Persons wishing to be emailed or mailed copies may request via email: email